Search - barangay tanods

Zambo City barangay tanods undergo training on peacekeeping

The city government of Zamboanga City has partnered with the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG)…

Guimaras province honors outstanding brgy. tanods

Outstanding barangay tanods in the province of Guimaras were lauded for their key contributions as peacekeepers…

DILG, NOPPO award outstanding brgys for local peace, order efforts

DILG, NOPPO award outstanding brgys for local peace, order efforts

Zambo City Police ‘Night Rider’ patrol contributes to crime combat efforts

The Zamboanga City Police Office (ZCPO) recently implemented the ‘Night Rider Cuida Zamboanga’ or the night patrol…

Dgte Triathlon readies for 1k pax

Dgte Triathlon readies for 1k pax