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Violence against women, a public crime penalized by law-PCW

QUEZON CITY (PIA) -- The Philippine Commission on Women (PCW) has expressed deep concern over a viral video showing a police officer maltreating his live-in partner.

In the video, the officer is seen pointing a gun at the woman, kicking and hitting her, and using foul language. The photo showing the woman's battered face after the abuse highlights the problem of Violence Against Women (VAW) in the country.

According to data from the Philippine National Police, in 2022, 7,424 cases of violations of the Anti-Violence Against Women and their Children Act were reported. In 2021, there were 8,430 cases. The PCW emphasized that these numbers represent women with rights, dreams, families, and lives that matter.

The PCW reiterated that all forms of violence, especially violence against women, should not be inflicted on anyone. The commission called for respect, love, and non-violent treatment towards women. Violence against women is a grave human rights violation and is considered a public crime, penalized by the country's laws.

The PCW encouraged women and girls who fall victim to violence in intimate relationships to speak out and seek help. The commission also called for police officers to be protectors of women from violence, not perpetrators of it.

The PCW recognized that ending VAW does not happen overnight and called for a focus on addressing the root cause of the problem, which is gender inequality. The commission also called for a collective effort from the community to eradicate VAW.

The PCW hopes that the video of the police officer abusing his partner serves as a wake-up call to address the problem of VAW. Until VAW is eradicated, the commission will continue to push for the protection of women's rights and promote actions towards a VAW-free Philippines. (PCW / PIA-NCR / Pexel Photo)

About the Author

Alice Sicat

Information Officer IV


Assistant Regional Director of PIA-NCR

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