This year’s theme for the ASEAN’s 55th Anniversary focuses on the spirit of “Togetherness”, that as one community with a common will, the member states with collective endeavor will address and overcome challenges that are facing the region.
Cambodia hosts this year’s celebration, highlighting the harmonious ASEAN community that is peaceful, stable and prosperous, supporting ASEAN’s engagement with the wider region and regional responses to the impacts and uncertainties posed by regional and global challenges. These included the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change and sustainable development, rivalries between major powers, protectionism, territorial disputes, trade wars and technology rivalries, and other traditional and non-traditional security threats.
The ASEAN 2022 logo shows a lotus flower symbol that represents a form of Khmer art derive from the relief carvings on the walls of ancient Khmer temples, which depicts purity and self-regeneration.
The symbol is beautifully encased in an intricate golden circle with the ASEAN emblem at the center to symbolize prosperity and harmony in peace.
The meticulous placement of these symbols altogether embodies the spirit and joint efforts of the 10 ASEAN nations bound together by friendship and solidarity with the common overarching goal of overcoming all challenges towards inclusive and sustainable development of the ASEAN community now and in the future.

Here are among the priorities of Cambodia in hosting the ASEAN 2022 celebration:
Under the ASEAN Political-Security Community, Cambodia will focus on strengthening the ASEAN Centrality and ASEAN Unity, for both regional mechanism and external partners’ cooperation, based on ASEAN Way and Principles stipulated in the ASEAN Charter, Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia, and ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific.
(1) Strengthening ASEAN centrality in the ASEAN-led mechanisms in maintaining and upholding peace, security, and prosperity;
(2) ASEAN community post 2025 vision and sustainable development;
(3) Regional contribution to global peace through peacekeeping operations;
(4) Enhancing women peace and security (WPS) agenda;
(5) Promoting ASEAN’s external relations; and
(6) Timor-Leste’s application for ASEAN membership.
On ASEAN Economic Community, Cambodia will promote effective implementation of all initiatives and measures agreed, as well as, leverage trade agreements to the maximum so as to expedite the recovery of economic growth while the world is living with COVID-19 in the new normal, and ensure that ASEAN remains an attractive and dynamic hub for trade and investment by enhancing both physical and digital connectivity; strengthening the capacity of MSMEs; and promoting the entrepreneurship amongst women and youth; as well as other priorities aimed at narrowing the development gaps and advancing regional integration.
(1) Realizing an inclusive, sustainable and resilient post-COVID-19 ASEAN community; (2) Strengthening ASEAN’s competitiveness and regional integration; and
(3) Future-proof ASEAN’s growth and prosperity.
And under ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community, Cambodia will strengthen the development of human resources to respond to the needs on the ground for community building, promote the participation of women and youth in building and maintaining peace, and develop an inclusive social protection system.
(1) Enhance ASEAN values, awareness and identity;
(2) Promote human resource and development and women empowerment;
(3) Enhance health, well-being, and social protection for peoples of ASEAN; and
(4) Strengthening ASEAN socio-cultural community’s institutional capacity and effectiveness. (ASEAN/PIA-NCR)