Pursuant to Republic Act No. 9418 or the Volunteer Act of 2007 and Executive Order No. 635, the Multi-Sectoral Advisory Body (MSAB) is created to assist the PNVSCA in the policy review and formulation, and strengthening of linkages between and among volunteer groups.
The MSAB includes, among its members, private sector representatives (PSRs), who shall serve for a two-year term; this may be extended for another term but not to exceed four (4) years as stipulated in the MSAB Resolution No. 01-2012.
Positions for nomination
- PSR/s from the private academe sector
- PSR/s from the corporate sector
Expected commitments
- Provide advice in the formulation of policies and guidelines for the national volunteer service program;
- Provide consultative and technical advisory services on volunteer matters; and
- Serve as a forum to enhance and strengthen linkages between and among volunteer groups and communities.
Minimum qualifications
- A bona fide Filipino organization;
- Registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and preferably accredited by a government agency;
- With nationwide geographic coverage and network; and
- Other qualifications that may be determined by the permanent members of the MSAB.
Documentary requirements
- Duly accomplished PSR Nomination Form
- Duly accomplished PSR Nominee Profile Sheet
- Supporting documents and attachments to PSR Nominee Profile Sheet
Note: The Body reserves the right to ask supporting documents from the applicants/nominees and prescribe form thereof for verification purposes, if so needed.
Submission process
Nominations must be submitted on or before 29 March 2023 to the MSAB Secretariat by email or courier.
MSAB Vice-chairperson and Executive Director
Philippine National Volunteer Service Coordinating Agency,
Ground Floor, Philippine Sugar Center, North Avenue, Quezon City 1101
For inquiries, please send a message to policy@pnvsca.gov.ph
MSAB PSR Call for Nominations, Nomination Form, and Profile Sheet.pdf
MSAB PSR Nomination Form and Profile Sheet.docx