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Indigenous knowledge systems, practices in 54th SFBN series

MANILA, (PIA) -- Officials and researchers from various State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) in the country will gather virtually to raise awareness on the indigenous knowledge systems and practices (IKSPs) on sustainable development and environmental conservation, and promote the documentation and safeguarding of traditional knowledge systems during the 54th episode of “Stories for a Better Normal: Pandemic and Climate Change Pathways,” with the topic, “Traditional Knowledge is Power!”

The episode, conceptualized and hosted by three-term former Senator, now Deputy Speaker Loren Legarda, will air on Thursday, 22 July 2021, 10 a.m. via Facebook Live at and

Joining the online conversation are SUCs that lead the way in the documentation of IKSPs including Dr. Serafin Ngohayon from Ifugao State University; Ms. Anna Razel Ramirez from University of the Philippines - Visayas; Dr. Pablo Crespo, President of University of Antique; and Mr. Sajed Ingilan of the University of Southeastern Philippines.

IKSPs provide insights and tools for environmental protection, sustainable resource management, disaster risk reduction, and climate change adaptation. They are developed over centuries and are passed from generation to generation.

The upcoming episode will feature some of the IKSPs in the country including those featured in the books “From the Seas to the Mountain -- Panay-Guimaras Traditional Knowledge Systems,” a product of extensive research and collaborative efforts of SUCs in Western Visayas to document and promote the various traditional knowledge systems in the region; “Ifugao Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Practices,” which documents the traditional knowledge, resourcefulness, and creativity of the Ifugao in building a sustainable community and surviving with their own rich culture; and “Disasters Preparedness and Climate Change: The Indigenous Knowledge of Selected IP Groups in the Davao Region.” These books were funded through the initiative of Deputy Speaker Loren Legarda in collaboration with SUCs and the Department of Environment and Natural Resources.

As an online discussion to promote health, environmental consciousness, and climate-adaptive practices, "Stories for a Better Normal" aims to change the mindset of individuals, families, and communities by demonstrating ways in which a ‘better normal’ can be realized within our communities.

This online discussion is organized in partnership between the Office of Deputy Speaker Legarda and the Climate Change Commission, with support from the Department of Education, Philippine Information Agency, Institute for Climate and Sustainable Cities, The Climate Reality Project-Philippines and Mother Earth Foundation. (PIA-NCR)

About the Author

Jerome Carlo Paunan



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