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Youth, peacebuilders hold Indignation Rally vs CPP/NPA/NDF

BORONGAN CITY (PIA) -- Some 100 former rebels now calling themselves peacebuilders and some youth leaders staged an Indignation Rally against the CPP-NPA-NDF today, Dec. 26, in this city.

Chanting “Ibalik ang demokrasya,” and “Kabataan, Manindigan and Manindigan ang Kabataan,” the rallyists walked a kilometer or so from both south and north side of the city.

They converged at the Borongan City Plaza where some of them called for peace and the return of their ‘brothers’ who remained with the CPP-NPA-NDF.

“It has been some 53 years since the insurgency was organized, and instead of delivering their promises, they have caused us economic difficulties,” said one former squad leader turned peacebuilder.

Alias Charlie said his 11-year stay in the movement brought him only misery and he feels sad that it took him that long to realize their deception.

“Yana maaram ako nagseselebrar hira, ano an ira selebrasyon? Aadi an pamilya han ira ginpatay, naging ilo, balo ngan waray na matuhay an kinabuhi.” (What are they celebrating, the families they rendered orphan, widow and whose lives are now miserable.)

Speaking in Waray, alias Charlie said the Makabayan Bloc has even chopped the budget of the TF ELCAC supposedly for poor barangays.

Another speaker said that life in the communist era is restricted, you have to obey orders from your superiors, but in the democratic society, nobody can dictate you, and everyone is free as long as what you do does not violate the law.

Regional Vice-President Chris Balmes of the Youth for Peace said he tries to educate the youngsters so they will not become targets of recruitment.

“We condemn the presence of CPP-NPA-NDF. To support the NTF- ELCAC, the former rebels need budget to finance the new life they have decided to pursue, so they can start their life anew.” (NBQ/PIA-E. Samar)


About the Author

Ninfa Iluminada Quirante

Assistant Regional Head

Region 8

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