ISABELA CITY, Basilan, Mar 4 (PIA) –The Sangguniang Panlungsod of Isabela City de Basilan passed on its third and final reading an ordinance defining gender-based sexual harassment and the prohibited acts in the streets and public spaces in the city.
The ordinance sponsored by Hon. Karel Annjaiza R. Sakkalahul, Chairperson on Committee on Women and Children, shall be known and cited as the "The Safe Spaces Ordinance of Isabela.” For brevity, this ordinance shall also be known as the Bawal Bastos Ordinance of Isabela City.
The said ordinance was adopted in reference to Republic Act No. 11313, otherwise known as "Safe Spaces Act," which was promulgated last April 17, 2018 to provide the State values the dignity of every human person, guarantees full respect for human life, recognizes the role of women in nation-building and ensures the fundamental equality before the law of women and men.
Section 8 of RA No. 11313 stated that the Local Government Units (LGUs) shall bear the primary responsibility in enforcing the provisions of Article I (Gender-Based Streets and Public Spaces Sexual Harassment) of the same law through an ordinance.

Under the Isabela City Bawal Bastos Ordinance the following are considered prohibited acts and shall be penalized regardless of the motive for committing such action or remarks:
- Catcalling
- Wolf-whistling
- Leering and intrusive gazing
- Taunting
- Cursing
- Unwanted invitations
- Misogynistic, transphobic, homophobic and sexist slurs
- Persistent uninvited comments or gestures on a person's appearance
- Relentless request for personal details such as name, contact and social media details or destination
- Statement of sexual comments or gestures and suggestions
- Use of words, gestures or actions that ridicule on the basis of sex, gender or sexual orientation, identity and/or expression
- Persistent telling of sexual jokes, use of sexual names, comments and demands
- Any advances, whether verbal or physical, that is unwanted and has threatened one's sense of personal space and physical safety
- Public masturbation
- Flashing of private parts
- Groping
These acts are committed in public spaces such as alleys, roads, sidewalks, and parks or those performed in buildings, schools, churches, restaurants, malls, public washrooms, bars, internet shops, public markets, transportation terminals or public utility vehicles.
Moreover, gender-based sexual harassments committed in restaurants, bars, cinemas, malls, buildings and other privately-owned places open to the public, any public utility vehicles, and gender-based harassments in streets and public spaces committed by any person below eighteen (18) years of age through any unwanted and uninvited sexual actions or remarks against any person regardless of the motive for committing such action or remarks are also prohibited under the said ordinance.
The penalties in all identified gender-based violations and crimes were also stated under the Bawal Bastos Ordinance as provided in Section 11, Article I of Republic Act No. 11313. Penalties shall be imposed on any violators and shall be dealt with directly by the competent court which has jurisdiction over the offense.

Other agencies and organizations responsible for the implementation and to undertake awareness campaign about the ordinance and the policy were also identified and stated under the said ordinance including their roles and functions. (RVC/NDR/PIA9-Basilan)