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DEB notes high voter turnout in May 2022 polls

Officials from the Diocesan Electoral Board (DEB) give their assessment on the conduct of elections in Negros Oriental during a digital telecast held May 9, 2022 at the DEB Command Center, Marian Priests Center, Dumaguete City. (L-R) Lead Convener Msgr. Julius Heruela, Honorary Chair Bishop Julito Cortes, and Executive Director Engr. Fred Magallano. (KAT/PIA7 Negros Oriental)

DUMAGUETE CITY, Negros Oriental, May 12 (PIA) -- The Diocesan Electoral Board (DEB) of the Diocese of Dumaguete, the accredited citizen’s watchdog arm in the conduct of elections here and in Negros Oriental, has noted a high turnout of voters in this year’s elections.  

This observation was based on the reports gathered by DEB volunteers and forwarded to its command center at the Marian Priests Center, Cathedral Compound, this city.

DEB Lead Convener Msgr. Julius Heruela said the long lines of voters waiting to cast their votes which can be seen inside the premises of polling centers as of 7:00 pm on May 9 is an indication that many people are eager to vote. 

DEB Executive Director Engr. Fred Magallano added that he saw groups of people arrive at schools as early as 6:00 a.m. to cast their votes, which to him is an indication that many individuals are interested to vote this time.

Based also on the photos gathered by DEB volunteers, polling centers were filled with huge crowds of people during the day.

DEB has assigned some 5,000 of its volunteers on that day to man the Voters’ Assistance Desk, guide voters to their precincts, and help manage the crowd in polling centers.

Voters endure long waiting time before they can cast their vote on May 9, 2022. Photo shows voters at Dumaguete City Central Elementary School still queueing at 4:00 p.m. on the said day. (RAL/PIA7 Negros Oriental)

DEB Honorary Chair and Diocese of Dumaguete Bishop Julito Cores thanked the lay faithful for participating in this year’s polls.

Ako personally nalipay ko sa usa ka development karon na dugay nahuman ang piniliay. I think you have to close the precincts at 10:00 (p.m.). Usa kani ka timaan na daghan gayod ang buot nga madungog ilang tingog niining maong piniliay (I am personally happy that voting has been extended and voting centers have to be closed at 10:00 p.m. This is an indication that many people want their voices to be heard and participated in this election),” Cortes said.

“Many are concerned with what’s happening in the country, our society, ug atong gikalipay kini na  mas taas kuno ang nangadto karon sa mga presinto. Ang atong panghinaot na kini mamunga gayod alang kanato tanan. Atong iampo na kining piniliay magbunga og tinood nga kabag-uhan, kahiusa, ug tinood nga kalambuan alang sa tanan hilabi na alang sa kaugmaon sa atong mga kabataan (Many are concerned with what’s happening in the country and in our society. We are happy that a lot of people went to the precincts. We hope that this will result to something better for us. Let us pray that this election would lead to positive change, unity, and genuine development for us especially to our youth),” Cortes added.

COMELEC Provincial Election Supervisor Atty. Lionel Marco Castillano believes the non-declaration of "Areas of Concern" in Negros Oriental has helped increase voter turnout this election. (RAL/PIA7 Negros Oriental)

Provincial Election Supervisor Atty. Lionel Marco Castillano of the Commission on Elections (COMELEC) said the voter turnout could not be determined as of the moment, but he believes that the non-declaration of areas of concern in the province has contributed to the high participation of voters. 

“I believe nakatabang gyud dako kay ang mga tawo kung ingnon nimo ‘red category’ or COMELEC control mahadlok naman nuon sila. Ang ato lang, gipangandaman lang nato sa pulis, inabagan sa army na ang tanan na mga areas na tan-aw nato potential na magubot, atong gibutangan ug sakto nga security forces but this could not happen without the cooperation of all candidates. Wala nila gamita ang pwersa para pagpugos sa katawhan (I believe this helped a lot because if you tag an area as red category or under COMELEC control, people will be afraid. For our part, we have put in place security forces in areas that we view as potential places for untoward incidents, with the help of the police and the army. But this could not happen without the cooperation of candidates who did not intimidate the people),” Castillano said. (RAL/PIA7 Negros Oriental)

About the Author

Roi Anthoni Lomotan


Region 7

Roi Anthoni Lomotan is an Information Officer at Philippine Information Agency (PIA) - 7. He is currently based in Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental. His job at PIA includes covering general beat assignments and other important events in the province.

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