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PCOO gets recognition from Inter-Agency Task Force

The Administrative Order No. (AO) 25 Inter-Agency Task Force recognizes the Presidential Communications Operations Office during its appreciation night at the DAP Conference Center, Tagaytay City on June 2, 2022. In the photos (L-R): DAP Senior Vice-President Magdalena L. Mendoza; Assistant Executive Secretary and OIC-ODESFA Jone Rechie L. Gigayon; FOI-PMO Officers Ms. Patricia Marri O. Maranan, Ms. Eden Darlene A. Mendoza; Ms. Ma. Danica A. Orcullo; and DBM Undersecretary and AO25 IATF Chairperson Kim Robert de Leon, EnP. (PCOO photo)

CALOOCAN CITY, (PIA) -- The Administrative Order No. (AO) 25 Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF) has recognized the Presidential Communications Operations Office (PCOO), through the Freedom of Information-Project Management Office (FOI-PMO), for its invaluable contribution to the development of a unified and integrated Results-Based Performance Management System (RBPMS) across all agencies.

AO No. 25 (s. 2011) created the Inter-Agency Task Force on the Harmonization of National Government Performance Monitoring, Information, and Reporting System (Task Force AO 25), to harmonize, unify, streamline and simplify all existing monitoring and reporting requirements and processes through the development of a common set performance scorecard, and the design of a government executive information system.

The AO25 IATF and Technical Working Group (TWG) is chaired by the Department of Budget and Management and co-chaired by the Office of the Cabinet Secretary.

During its appreciation night at the DAP Conference Center, Tagaytay City on June 2, the task force also acknowledged the accomplishments and coordinated efforts of its TWG composed of representatives from member agencies and the Development Academy of the Philippines, which serves as the Technical Secretariat and Resource Institution of the AO25 IATF. (PCOO/PIA-NCR)

About the Author

Susan De Leon

Assistant Regional Head


IO 3

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