QUEZON CITY (PIA) -- The Career Service Examination for Foreign Service Officer (CSE-FSO), administered by the CSC in collaboration with the Department of Foreign Affairs-Board of Foreign Service Examinations (DFA-BFSE), will be held on 5 February 2023. Interested applicants may submit their two (2) accomplished forms (FSO Examination Application Form and Civil Service Form No. 100) at the following locations: a) BSE Secretariat, 2nd Floor, DFA Main Building, Roxas Blvd., Pasay City from 13 October to 25 November 2022 (until 5 pm only); or b) Consular Offices within and outside Metro Manila or Philippine Embassies, Consulates, or Mission Boards from 13 October to 18 November 2022 (until 5 pm only).
The CSE-FSO serves both as a qualifying test and an eligibility examination. As a qualifying test, it forms the first of the five-part Foreign Service Officer Examination (FSOE). Thus, passing the CSE-FSO is a requisite to be able to proceed to the succeeding parts of the FSOE—Preliminary Interview, Written Test, Psychological Test, and Oral Test—all administered by the DFA. The FSOE is being done to recruit candidates for the Foreign Service Officer, Class IV position.
As an eligibility examination, passers of the CSE-FSO shall be conferred the Career FSO Eligibility. This eligibility is appropriate to first level (clerical) and second level (technical) positions in the government which do not involve practice of profession and are not covered by bar, board, and other laws.
Applicants must be Filipino citizens and concurrently permanent residents of the Philippines; graduate of a four-year bachelor’s degree course or higher on or before the prescribed due date of submission of requirements; and must possess at least two years of employment or further studies, or a combination of both, after graduation.
Applicants for the examination must be knowledgeable in the economic, political, and social conditions of the Philippines, and must possess not only facility in oral and written communications, but also the traits essential to the efficient performance of the duties of a Foreign Service Officer. Furthermore, they must be willing and able to accept assignments to any post where their services may be required.
The complete set of requirements and procedures for application to the CSE-FSO is posted at the DFA-BFSE website. [Direct link]
The CSC also warns the public that it does not recognize and shall not be liable for information posted on any other sources that are not owned or managed by the CSC. (CSC / PIA-NCR)