Mandated by Executive Order No. 2, series of 2016, FOI have 566 government agencies onboard the electronic FOI Portal and citizens can request information from these offices. There are also 102,594 eFOI users registered nationwide who lodged over 130,000 requests with a success rate of 56%.
Citing the said numbers, Avejar said, “This only shows that more and more Filipinos are seeing the value of having access to public information.” She also gave credit to over 400 information, education, and communication activities, both face-to-face and virtual, that the FOI Philippines has organized and participated in to promote the people’s awareness on their right to access public information.
On the other hand, tackling the important role of access to information in fighting Mis- and Disinformation, Office of the Press Secretary Undersecretary Emerald Anne Ridao shared that there are a lot of ways to help citizens differentiate between facts and fake news.
“The fight against misinformation, [disinformation, and fake news] ultimately is not about just regulating platforms. It’s not just about penalizing those who produce fake news. But it really is to empower our citizens to recognize, to discern, and to dissociate themselves from disinformation,” Ridao explained.
Chairman of the Central Information Commission, Republic of Indonesia, Mr. Donny Yoesgiantoro, meanwhile expressed his hope that the forum can give a significant contribution to freedom of information nationally, regionally and globally.
“The right to obtain information is a human right and public information openness is an essential characteristic of a democratic state that upholds sovereignty of the people to constitute good governance. Public information, as information resilience model, should have the criteria of 4A (Availability, Accessibility, Acceptability, and Affordability) of information and 1S (Sustainability),” he said.