QUEZON CITY (PIA) -- Philippine Information Agency (PIA) Director-General Ramon Lee Cualoping III announces on Monday, February 13, the result of the validation of the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) to the eligibility of the agency for Performance-Based Bonus for the year 2021.
“Our agency has obtained a total of 90 out of 100 points for the PBB criteria and conditions with zero non-compliance,” DG Cualoping said.
Individuals and divisions who exerted effort to ensure timely submission and full compliance with all the requirements have also been recognized.
“The granting of 2021 PBB is a testament to our collective efforts. There will be no witch-hunting rather than we focus on filling in the gaps. We bridge the gaps. If there were some mistakes in the past, we correct them, put in the correct policies, and make it happen. We did it this time,” the Agency chief said.
However, the Planning Unit is still coordinating with Task Force AO 25 for the reported two (2) deficiencies of the agency. Whilst, the Performance Management Team will be deliberating for the accountable units and/or individuals who would possibly be isolated from the grant of PBB.

DG Cualoping also shared the fiscal management reforms being done in the agency in pursuit of a transparent and efficient utilization of funds. He underscores the importance of judicious use of resources to deliver the result needed as an agency.
“It is very important to have prudent fiscal management. Every peso spent must be accounted for. Every peso proposed that will be spent should be backed up and substantiated by a Completed Staff Work,” DG Cualoping said.
He then challenges everyone to adapt to current trends and continue to innovate in the delivery of the programs, projects, and policies of the government to remain relevant.
“For us to stay afloat and become more relevant, then, we have to adapt. We cannot be stopped in limbo from who we were a decade ago, to who we are today as an agency. [W]e have to be dynamic to be nimble, to be open to change,” he added.
He ended his speech by enjoining PIA employees to work together for the good of the agency.
“We will work as a team, as a family, as an organization which is technocratic and performance-driven,” DG Cualoping ended.
Philippine Information Agency is the country’s chief information arm with expertise in development communication which is mandated to provide accurate, timely, and relevant information to the public. It is the only government information network that can reach the grassroots—spanning 16 regional offices and 78 provincial information centers across the country. (KSAA- PIA CPSD)