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LGU Tboli to open new learning facilities in far-flung sitios

KORONADAL CITY, South Cotabato (PIA) -- The municipal government of Tboli is set to turn-over various construction and development projects in Barangay Salacafe aimed to address the needs of schools especially in far-flung sitios.

These include the three newly-built day care centers in Sitio Syombolul, Sitio Datal Hikong, and Sitio Datal Bong and the construction of the three new classrooms for Sitio Kule Elementary School, which started earlier this month. These buildings will serve as replacements for the school facilities damaged by Typhoon Paeng last year.

Mayor Keo Dayle Tuan said, education remains to be top priority of the local government.

LGU Tboli is not only focused on developing better facilities for children, but also pushes to make learning easier, convenient, more accessible and readily available for all learners in 25 barangays of the town.

The project is part of the sectoral development thrust of the LGU Tboli focusing on inclusive education and in support of the Department of Education’s "Education for All" campaign. (PIA) 

About the Author

Oliver Ross Rivera


Region 12

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