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PH-OTS, US-TSA conduct joint assessment of NAIA Terminals

QUEZON CITY, (PIA) --The Office for Transportation Security (OTS) and its US counterpart, the Transport Security Administration (TSA) recently concluded another security assessment of Ninoy Aquino International Airport Terminals 1, 2, and 3 from 13 to 17 February 2023.

The activity is a continuing initiative to ensure that aircraft and airport operators are able to sustain the adequate implementation of security measures based on the International Civil Aviation Organization’s (ICAO) Standards and Recommended Practices to protect passengers and the aircraft from acts of unlawful interference and threat of terrorism.

Aircraft operators with flights bound for the US such as Philippine Airlines and United Airlines were subjected to the security assessment. 

OTS Administrator Undersecretary Ma.O Aplasca presided both the entry and exit brief together with Manila International Airport Authority (MIAA) General Manager Cesar Chiong and other officers of the MIAA. 

OTS National Aviation Security Auditors Francis Gabrien Varon, Arnold Nartatez, Francis Ros Fabricante, Lolita Dano, Jesiel Padilla, and Eric Casuple were the team deployed to assist its foreign counterparts in the assessment.

On the side of the United States, TSA Inspectors Ray Montgomery, Ana Zavalza, Hilario Bugarin, and Christy Pederson were assigned to conduct assessment on aircraft operators with flight bound to their country, to ensure that they also comply with rules and regulations set forth by the US government. (dotr/pia-ncr)

About the Author

Susan De Leon

Assistant Regional Head


IO 3

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