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DPWH E. Samar celebrates National Women’s Month

BORONGAN CITY (PIA) -- The Department of Public Works and Highways - Eastern Samar DIstrict Engineering Office (DPWH – ESDEO) joined this year’s National Women’s Month celebration at the ESDEO Function Hall on Wednesday, March 8, 2023.

Gender and Development Focal Person Alternate Ma. Erlinda Evardone highlighted the core of women empowerment as seen and manifested in equal rights and opportunities granted upon women by different national and local authorities, organizations, institutions, private sectors, and administrations.

In his message, Assistant District Engineer Domcelio M. Natividad noted the inarguable inclusion of women in the society.

“Over the years, Eastern Samar DEO has always been supportive in promoting women empowerment. We even have an impressive lady district District Engineer here,” said Natividad, referring to Eastern Samar District Engineer Maya Junia.

Natividad also reinvigorated celebrating gender equality to the employees of ESDEO not just during this month of the year but in every chance possible through video presentations showcasing women of invaluable strength taking up space in the society.

The facilitators quizzed the employees through a trivia game to assess their knowledge on this year’s theme, “WE for Gender Equality and Inclusive Society”. (MMP/SDC/PIA-E.Samar)

About the Author

Samuel Candido


Region 8

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