MANILA -- The Bureau of Customs (BOC) Metro Manila ports conducted inter-port Governance Sharing on July 28, 2021, via Zoom Teleconference.
The Port of Manila (POM), Port of NAIA (Ninoy Aquino International Airport), and Manila International Container Port (MICP) organized an online dialogue for the three major ports in Metro Manila to share best practices implemented in each port.
POM and NAIA shared their preparations and experiences during their ISO journey. The Port of Manila became ISO 9001:2015 Certified in June 2021, while the Port of NAIA already passed the first stage of ISO External Audit last July 21, 2021.
Also, MICP shared their PGS journey and discussed their strategies in cascading and implementing the PGS compliances that made them a gold awardee during the Initiation and Compliance Stage Revalida.

Governance Sharing is one of the nine elements of the Performance Governance System (PGS) that focuses on communicating good governance advocacy by identifying and sharing best practices within the organization.
Under the leadership of Commissioner Rey Leonardo Guerrero, the BOC Metro Manila ports will continue to find ways to improve its processes and move towards the success of the Bureau in its PGS pathway. (BOC)