The Department of Science and Technology (DOST) through PSTC Siquijor donated 18 books to the Carmelite College of Siquijor Inc.(CCSI) on April 6, 2022. From dictionary and thesaurus to manual on bamboo processing and lexicon on Philippine trees, the donation carries with it much value for students and teachers.
DOST Siquijor Provincial Director Engr. Mario de la Peńa personally turned over the books to Sr. Mila Margaret V. Montegrejo, Carm. O.L., CCSI School President.

“I am thankful to DOST for giving us these books. It is timely as our school has been working to increase its library holdings. As far as science and technology is concerned, I think we have now updated, reliable, and relevant sources of information," Sr. Montegrejo said.
In March, DOST also granted CCSI with Science and Technology Academic and Research-Based Openly Operated Kiosks (STARBOOKS), a digital library, and a printing equipment for the school’s income-generating project.
“DOST PSTC SIQUIJOR continues to support CCSI in whatever it works on for the benefit of students, teachers, and its nearby communities. We are on the same note that knowledge, specially on science and technology, could be a seedbed for growing ideas for innovations. Who knows there may be one or two here who would opt to pursue seriously science courses in the future," said De la Peńa.
It would be no surprise that one day, when DOST visits CCSI again, there would bea testimony from a Carmelite student that he has used the word “cogent” in his essay to mean “strongly persuasive” because he found it in the thesaurus, or another student has developed his family’s bamboo plantation because he read the manual on bamboo processing. (PR)