Some say ‘if you landed one job and consumed your entire career life into it, your life was boring’... but it’s a different story to Maria Gisela Matammu-Lonzaga as her career journey was never boring, it was, in fact, full of adventure, joy, excitement, and very meaningful.
A registered nutritionist-dietitian, Meggie as her friends fondly call her, spent her 38 years in government service in the pursuit of health and nutrition program development in Cagayan Valley Region.
A native of Tuao, Cagayan, Meggie finished her Bachelor of Science in Foods and Nutrition at the College of the Holy Spirit in Manila, and her Master of Science in Nutritional Science at Massey University, New Zealand where she received a second honor award. She also pursued her second master’s degree at the Development Academy of the Philippines in July 2016 where she received a Most Visible Re-entry Project Award.
She entered to government service in 1985 as Nutritionist-Dietitian II at the Provincial Health Office of Cagayan. She transferred to the National Nutrition Council in January 1992 as Nutrition Officer III until she became a full-fledged Nutrition Program Coordinator up to present.
With her years in government service, she is, no doubt, a part and a witness to the improvement of health and nutrition in the Cagayan Valley region.
She was among those who trek in the mountains of the valley, ride on horseback or a boat withstanding the raft water waves just to reach remote communities to educate and instill awareness to parents and individuals on nutrition, the era when the region is still battling against malnutrition.