They have been dreaming for it, but can't afford it.
But today, the answer is almost here as the Department of Health - Cagayan Valley Center for Health and Development (DOH-CV CHD) received a Mobile Chest X-ray Van from the Philippine Business for Social Progress (PBSP), which is expected to reach out to residents in geographically isolated and depressed areas (GIDA) in the region who are presumptive tuberculosis patients.
"Today is a special day as we come together to celebrate the turnover ceremony of the Mobile Chest X-ray Van, a wonderful gift from the PBSP to CV-CHD as a gesture for their unwavering commitment to the progress and development of our country over the past fifty years," DOH Regional Director Amelita Pangilinan said.

Based on the data recorded, the total number of individuals who underwent chest x-ray screening from the various health facilities and tuberculosis (TB) caravan activities in 2022, region 2 recorded 11% positivity rate.
"This means that every time we carry out TB caravans in the area, we are screening the appropriate populations who belong to high-risk groups or who are TB presumptive," the director said.
With support from the Global Fund through the ACCESS TB Project, DOH 2 have renewed determination to combat TB in the Philippines.

This mobile chest x-ray van will make significant difference, enabling the department to conduct widespread screenings in the region and ensuring that health services, particularly in diagnostics, reach even the remotest areas.
The TB Cravan, which is a regular activity of the department, has been instrumental in screening high-risk groups and TB presumptive cases, as evidenced by the high positivity rate for chest x-ray screenings.
With the population being screened, the DOH can provide the necessary intervention and treatment specially among the marginalized who are vulnerable to TB.

BPSP Executive Director Ivan Uy said PBSP is the largest busines-led non-goverment organization that seeks to help address poverty in the Philippines especially on aspects of health, education, environment, livelihood, disaster-response and collective impact platforms.
Uy said Region 2 is one of the first eight regions to receive Mobile X-Ray van worth P8 million.
In 2018 around 16.7 million Filipinos belong to the poor marginalized sector and it increased to 19.99 million in 2021 during the pandemic, he said.
As an organization that has an expertise in solving social issues on health care, PBSP continue to become a partner of DOH which wants to strengthen active case finding and primary care especially to the poor because they are susceptible to tuberculosis considering insiufficent nutritious foods on their table.
But today, with the partnership of DOH and the PBSP, the dream of addressing TB will not remain a dream. A proof that public and private partnership is a good endeavor to help every Filipino rise from poverty. (OTB/GVB/Region 2)