Career breakthrough in Australia
It was not long before the CSC noticed her brilliance, leading to various opportunities for her, both here and abroad.
One opportunity she took that eventually led to many breakthroughs was her taking a Masters in Human Resource Management in Australia when she was 52.
Although she was initially challenged and also questioned about her ability to cope with Australia’s use of digital technologies and the internet for school work, her resilience got her through, eventually leading her to graduate with academic distinction in mid 2010s.
The opportunity also gave her the chance to bring her family to Australia, galvanizing her resolve to finish her master’s degree through her strong mentality and the inspiration she got from her family.
Australia’s use of digital technologies eventually helped ARD Nel cope well with the Philippines’ shift to online transactions during the COVID-19 pandemic, eventually applying her learnings in Australia to her daily routines.
She has also been an advocate of CSC’s digitalization goals, witnessing firsthand the benefits of such through her experience in Australia.
Her experience in Australia also opened other opportunities, such as being sponsored by the Australian Embassy for a Women Leadership Conference in Cambodia and as a knowledge sharer on the social inclusion of IPs in 2019, where she got the chance to talk about IPs in Northern Luzon.