SAN JOSE, Antique (PIA) - - The Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (PDRRMO) enjoined everyone to be
vigilant and alert in case earthquakes, floods, and other disasters occur.
PDRRMO head Broderick Train, in a virtual press conference, said that vigilance and preparedness are significant actions for people not to panic in case of sudden occurrence of any hazard particularly earthquake.
In reference to the occurrence of the earthquake which recently hit Antique with magnitude of 4.8, Train emphasized that Antique is not spared of the occurrence of such geologic phenomenon since active earthquake generators are affecting the province.
With the presence of the West Panay Fault which is considered an active earthquake generators, Antique could be susceptible in
earthquakes plus the connection of Mindoro and Negros Trench, that when they move, could eventually cause the shaking in the province as well.
Train also recalled the past occurrences of earthquakes affecting the province such as the 1948 Lady Caycay with the magnitude 8.2 and the 1990 earthquake in Culasi which caused so much devastation in the province.
“People should not panic, instead be vigilant and prepared,” he said.

The people should also learn ways on how to get safe during the shaking and its aftershocks, he said, adding that it is a natural
phenomenon that cannot be avoided or predicted but people can be prepared for.
The communities are encouraged to join the quarterly earthquake or disaster drills so that the family members and the community, in general, could be aware of what to do and where to go in case of emergency.
He further said that the COVID-19 pandemic has made the disaster response more challenging for the DRRM Officers.
Evacuation centers and health facilities are used for COVID-19 response thus, the public are urged to initiate the preparation in
their families taking into consideration their compliance to the health protocols.
Train assured that the local DRRMOs are fully supported by their respective local officials and the provincial government as well with systems in place for any untoward incidents. (JBG/psm/PIA-Antique)