CAMIGUIN (PIA)—As of June 25, 5,952 individuals, who are among the A1 to A3 priority groups, received their first dose of the coronavirus disease (COVID)-19 vaccine.
The individuals include the frontliners, senior citizens and persons with comorbidities at Catarman District Hospital (32), Camiguin General Hospital (278), Rural Health Unit Catarman (1,533), RHU Guinsiliban (444), RHU Mahinog (736), RHU Mambajao (2,402), and RHU Sagay (527).
For the second dose, 1,908 have already been inoculated and these include priority individuals of CDH (27), CGH (262), Rural Health Unit Catarman (381), RHU Guinsiliban (190), RHU Mahinog (163), RHU Mambajao (759), and RHU Sagay (126).
Currently, the Provincial Health Office (PHO) is crafting the deployment plan of the priority group A4 vaccination as this group entails more individuals than the previous three groups.

As of June 29, the province has recorded nine COVID-19 confirmed cases of which four are placed at Mambajao isolation unit and one in Catarman.
The other four are availing the no quarantine policy. Three deaths were also recorded in the province.
There are 178 persons with history of travel or COVID-19 exposure of which 87 are from Mambajao, 44 from Mahinog, 3 from Guinsiliban, 5 from Sagay, and 39 from Catarman. (RTP/PIA-10)