SCIENCE CITY OF MUNOZ (PIA) -- Central Luzon State University (CLSU) will implement starting September a P15.4 million grant from Commission on Higher Education (CHED) for the engaging Food and Agriculture Resources Management (eFARM) Academy Program.
To run for two years, it seeks to bring technologies and innovations to a larger and diverse audience such as students, life-long tourist learners, farmers, local government units, and Philippine and foreign higher education institutions.
“CLSU will develop educational modules using different modalities and media to promote matured generated technologies that are ready for transfer and commercialization,” CHED Office of the Deputy Executive Director Officer-In-Charge and International Affairs Director Lily Freida Milla said.
“The university was encouraged to realize this program as its formidable implementation of agri-aqua research and development activities may open doors for more international collaborations,” the official furthered.
In a statement, CLSU President Edgar Orden said eFARM Academy envisions being an engaging platform that will support the positioning of the university as a premier international techno education tourism hub for agri-fishery.
“The program will be capacitating the stakeholders on agri-fishery technologies, food security, and food business through actual and virtual learning modes,” he emphasized.
Program lead Gella Patria Abella explained that eFARM Academy has three components namely eFARM GROW (Generate. Reap. Opportunity. Wealth); eFARM KITCHEN (Knowledge, Innovations, Technology, Culinary Know-How and Product Enhancement); and eFARM Academy (Online Learning).
With these components, the developed food and agriculture technologies will be showcased, and the products will be made available for consumption.
“They will be shared through on-site visits, transformative digital platforms including virtual classrooms, and live streaming via Radyo CLSU to reach the target beneficiaries. The commodities included for product development and culinary arts hope to highlight the Philippine culture,” Abella added.
The program team is composed of faculty members with diverse specializations to operationalize the program in a very holistic manner. (CLJD-PIA 3)