SAN JOSE, Antique (PIA) - - The 2021 Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS) is set to be implemented in the Province of Antique this November with 98 sample households.
Supervising Statistics Specialist and Officer-In-Charge Randy Tacogdoy of the Philippine Statistics Authority, in a press release, said that the GATS survey is a nationally representative household survey used to monitor adult tobacco use (smoking and smokeless) and track key tobacco control indicators across countries.
GATS was launched as part of the Global Tobacco Surveillance System (GTSS) and was first implemented in the Philippines in 2009, repeated in 2015 and in November of this year.
Based on the results of the 2009 and 2015 GATSs, the tobacco use prevalence significantly decreased among adults from 29.7% in 2009 to 23.8% in 2015 (from 49.5% to 41.9% among males; from 10.1% to 5.8% among females).
This represents a 19.9% relative decline in tobacco use prevalence (15.3% decline for males; 42.8% decline for females).
During the six-year period between the previous two GATS surveys, the Philippines has made significant progress in reducing tobacco use and
implementing various tobacco control initiatives, including: restructuring of excise taxes to increase the tax on tobacco products on an incremental basis.
Other initiatives include the development

and implementation by local government units of tobacco ordinances compliant with the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC); development of a recognition ystem “Red Orchid Awards for 100% Tobacco-Free Environment” for local government units, government agencies, and hospitals complying with FCTC obligations; placement of graphic health information on billboards, tarpaulins, and posters, the press release noted.

The government has also initiated the development and implementation of the National Tobacco Control Strategy (2011-2016) to accelerate the implementation of FCTC; implementation of 100% smoke-free policies on the premises of government agencies, health facilities, educational institutions, public terminals, public conveyances and public places; and, implementation of the total prohibition of tobacco advertising, promotion, and sponsorship by local government units.
The PSA is the lead agency in implementing the survey, while the DOH funded it and will coordinate the analyses and writing of the final report.
The technical support for this survey is provided by the World Health Organization (WHO), US Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC), and Research Triangle Institute (RTI) International. (PSM-PIA/PSA Antique)