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PCOO urges LGUs to pass FOI ordinance

NEGROS OCCIDENTAL (PIA) –- The Presidential Communications Operations Office-led Freedom of Information Transparency Roadshow goes around the country and urges local government units to pass local FOI ordinance.

Krizia Casey Avejar, Division Chief, Communications and Capcity Development of Freedom Of Information- Project Management Office disclosed that 59 LGUs have passed ordinance on FOI while almost 99 percent of national government agencies have FOI program while 93 percent for Government Owned and Controlled Corporations and 97 percent for State Universities and Colleges.

Krizia Casey Avejar, Division Chief, Communications and Capcity Development of Freedom Of Information- Project Management Office discloses that 59 LGUs have passed ordinance on FOI while almost 99 percent of national government agencies have FOI program while 93 percent for Government Owned and Controlled Corporations and 97 percent for State Universities and Colleges. *(EAD-PIA6 photo)

There were 6 LGUs in the Visayas and Himamaylan City in Negros Occidental which passed their local FOI ordinance, according to Avejar, during a Transparency Roadshow at the Negros Residences in Bacolod City.  

“FOI levels playing field in terms of access to government data regardless of status in life.  You don’t need to know someone in the government to gain access to information on the programs of the government,” Avejar said.

Meanwhile, Negros Occidental Governor Eugenio Jose “Bong” Lacson said during the Transparency Roadshow that corruption siphons the economy with billions of pesos we cannot afford to lose, therefore, if the Philippines wishes to be truly progressive, we must banish not just corruption, but also suspicions of corruption.

“As we forge towards the new normal, let us take this undertaking to heart and make Negros Occidental a flagship province in maintaining integrity through an open government,” Lacson added.

The Department of Public Works and Highways FOI Receiving Officer Andro Santiago shared that at the beginning, the DPWH did not get on board the FOI initiative because of fear.

“We have learned the hardest lesson but PCOO educated us on engaging the people. If you keep citizens informed there will always be engagement and if there is constant engagement, you can build trust,” Santiago added.

From 64 percent trust rating prior to FOI, the DPWH now the recent SWS survey has 71 percent net satisfaction rating. (AAL/EAD-PIA6 Negros Occidental)

About the Author

Easter Anne Doza


Region 6


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