KALIBO, Aklan (PIA) -- The Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth) here is urging its members to register and avail the “Konsultang Sulit at Tama” better known as Philhealth KonSuLTa.
In a recently held Aklan Public Information Officers Association (APIOA) meeting, Philhealth-Aklan Information Officer Aimy Joy Desaporado briefed information officers in the province on the KonSuLTa package and urged them to disseminate the new program of Philhealth in their respective localities especially in the local government units.
Desaporado explained that Philhealth KonSuLTa is an expanded primary care benefit of Philhealth to provide comprehensive outpatient benefits to all Filipinos as mandated by the Universal Health Care Law or Republic Act 11223.
It covers individual-based and outpatient health services such as initial and follow-up primary care consultations, health screening and assessment and access to selected diagnostic services, and medicines.
“We do not need to be hospitalized anymore to be able to avail of Philhealth services. The purpose of this also is on the prevention side of getting us to be sick or to make our sickness to get worst,” Desaporado said.
There are 13 laboratory and diagnostics examinations which can be availed of for free, such as complete blood count with platelet count, urinalysis, fecalysis, sputum microscopy, fecal occult blood, pap smear, lipid profile, fasting blood sugar, oral glucose tolerance test, electrocardiogram, chest x-ray, creatinine and HbA1c.

For medicine, there are also 21 that are covered by the package and these are Amoxicillin, Co-Amoxiclav , Cotrimoxazole, Nitrofurantoin , Ciprofloxacin, Clarithromycin, Oral Rehydration Salts Fluid and Electrolytes , Prednisone, Salbutamol, Fluticasone + Salmeterol, Paracetamol, Gliclazide, Metformin, Simvastatin, Enalapril, Metoprolol, Amlodipine, Hydrochlorothiazide, Losartan, Aspirin, and Chlorpheniramine Maleate
Although the coverage of the said program is for all Filipinos, Desaporado explained that registration to an accredited Philhealth KonSuLTa facility is needed to avail such services.
“So far in Aklan, we have seven accredited facilities for Philhealth KonSuLTa. These are two Rural Health Units each in Kalibo and Ibajay; and one RHU each in New Washington, Buruanga and Makato,” said Desaporado adding that the list could go on with dialogues already made and scheduled to different facilities, one of which was the meeting with the provincial health board, aiming to include all the state run hospitals in the province.
Registration to Philhealth KonSuLTa facility could be done in two ways; self-registration wherein one should log-in to the Member Portal or Member Online Registration through the website www.philhealth.gov.ph ; and assisted registration through any of the following – current employer, social worker of PhilHealth Konsulta facility, LGU/ Office of the Senior Citizen Affairs, PhilHealth Local Health Insurance Office, Philhealth Customer Assistance Relations and Empowerment Staff, and Philhealth Corporate Action Center Hotline (02)8441-7442. (AAL/SQP/PIA Aklan)