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PinasLakas ‘Bakunahang Bayan’ up this month

ILOILO CITY (PIA) -- The Department of Health (DOH) is set to hold a week-long highlight of the "PinasLakas" vaccination campaign in the country comes September 26 to 30, 2022.

Dubbed “Bakunahang Bayan” PinasLakas Vaccination Days, the activity aims to facilitate the rapid mobilization of COVID-19 vaccination services among all eligible populations.

According to Grace Exmundo, Senior Health Program Officer of the DOH Western Visayas Family Health and Nutrition Cluster, this activity pushes to have wider access and reach through the setting-approach strategies such as workplaces, markets, malls, terminals, plazas, and places of worship.

Also, she added that this will highlight a stronger engagement and support through vaccination of national government agencies as local vaccine ambassadors, increased uptake of boosters among local economic zones, and involvement of all private and public organizations.

Exmundo stressed that the most challenging yet the most important part of the implementation is on encouraging the people to go to the vaccination sites. Hence, the DOH is rallying support from the local vaccine ambassadors, private stakeholders, and civil society organizations.

It can be recalled that the PinasLakas campaign focuses on the expanded target of reaching 90% immunity for the A2 priority group or senior citizens and 50% for the first booster dose among the general population within the first 100 days of the new administration.

Based on DOH 6 data, as of Sept. 8, the fully vaccinated individuals in the region reached 5,277,178, or 93.85% of the target population.

The A2 priority group is 77.18% or 567,411 senior citizens, while booster coverage is still at 15.66% or 882,583 individuals.

In relation to the PinasLakas targets, the region accomplished only 1,046 senior citizens or 1.09% of the target of 96,522 since the start of the campaign on July 6 of this year. Some 95,473 senior citizens are yet to be vaccinated.

The same goes with the booster coverage with 5.66% or 116,098 from the same period. There’s still a gap of 1,933,778 individuals yet to get their booster doses.

On the other hand, DOH 6 OIC assistant regional director Dr. Ma. Sophia Pulmones thanked the partner agencies and LGUs for their support and commitment as the PinasLakas campaign continues to cascade COVID-19 vaccination throughout the region.

“A lot of our fellows here in Region 6 are yet to receive their booster shots for COVID-19 and also our senior citizens who are among the vulnerable to develop severe COVID-19. That is why we are still ramping up our COVID-19 vaccination through the PinasLakas campaign,” she said.

Meanwhile, to further highlight the activity, on Sept. 29, DOH executive officials - Dr. Kenneth Ronquillio, Undersecretary for Health Policy and Infrastructure, and lawyer Charade Mercado-Grande, OIC Undersecretary for Health Regulation Team, will visit the region particularly at Negros Occidental. (JBG/FRG/PIA6)

About the Author

Franz Remar Garion

Region 6

Indicium gladio fortior est

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