ISABELA CITY, Basilan, Sept 13 (PIA) – A total of 60 learners of the Department of Education – Alternative Learning System were given orientation on Disaster Preparedness during the Youth Alumni gathering of United States Agency for International Development – Education Development Center ( USAID-EDC) Opportunity 2.0 program in Isabela City.
The Philippine Information Agency - Basilan who gave the orientation, emphasized the role of information in disaster preparedness especially to be well-informed on early warning signals and alert messages from credible sources on different hazards and possible disasters.
It was also explained to the participants the role of every family and the entire community as it is very critical for all members in the community to take steps and be prepared for any disaster, be it natural of man-made.
The participants were also encouraged to be responsible enough to learn about community evacuation routes, participate in disaster preparedness-related training and to properly report to the community and to the persons in authority about any suspicious activity in their midst.
The PIA further stressed the need to have family disaster preparedness plan.
“Disasters can strike at any moment and in order to protect your home and your family, it’s important to be prepared and have your family disaster plan in place, which contains necessary steps where your family should be ready for any disaster,” the PIA said.
PIA also emphasized the importance to communicate with their family members and discuss on how to be prepared if there is a disaster especially for those who are living at disaster prone areas.
The participants were asked to do role-play in separate groups with different disaster scenario to better understand disaster preparedness.
On the part of USAID-EDC, Mohammad Ashraf Abubakar, Youth Development Officer of Opportunity 2.0 program said that the orientation is part of capacity building for the youth who are future leaders in the community. (RVC/NDR-PIA Basilan)