The three CSC -2 PRIME - HRM pillars which the SDO Isabela has passed and complied accordingly were Performance Management System (PMS), Learning and Development (L&D) and Rewards and Recognition (R&R).
DepEd - Isabela Schools Division Superintendent Dr. Madelyn Macalling said that while the Division still awaits the results of the on-going evaluation for the last pillar of PRIME - HRM which is the Recruitment, Selection, and Promotion (RSP) of the CSC the recognition already serves as a solid testament to the commitment of the Division in improving its human resource management and operations.
“Since 2019, we have never faltered in our dedication to improve the delivery of our services through PRIME-HRM. We would like to thank the SDO Isabela team as well as the teaching and non-teaching personnel of SDO Isabela for their cooperation and contribution towards this success,” Macalling said.
Macalling also acknowledged the support given by the Regional Office led by Regional Director Benjamin D. Paragas and Assistant Regional Director Jessie L. Amin for their encouragements and motivations for the accomplishment of the endeavor including the technical expertise and assistance provided by the Regional Policies & Systems Evaluation Division led by Aniceto E. Temanel - Chief Personnel Specialist, Joanne C. Baquiran - Senior HR Specialist, Roselyn B Guzman- Senior HR Specialist, Kresime Nicole A. Garma, together with Director Rewina D. Arugay, and Ronald Dancel of CSC Field Office-Isabela. (OTB/MGE / PIA - 2 Isabela)