ZAMBOANGA CITY, Sept 27 (PIA)—The Women and Children Protection Center in Zamboanga Peninsula (ZamPen) has recorded 174 cases of physical, emotional, or sexual violence and economic abuse from their husbands or partner, as for September 2022. ZAMPEN is expected to participate in this year’s 18-Day Campaign to End Violence Against Women (VAW) with the new recurring theme "UNiTEd for a VAW-free Philippines".
UNiTE stands for the United Nations' UNiTE by 2030 To End violence against women campaign. Emphasizing unity and highlighting individual efforts to create a community free from violence, this international campaign calls on governments, civil society, women's organizations, young people, the commercial sector, and the media to join forces.
To promote awareness of the forms of violence against women and girls, the Philippine Commission on Women (PCW) has suggested various activities intended to provide information on the laws protecting women and girls, feature VAW-related services that people can access and avail and to gather insights on the general public’s level of awareness at the regional and local levels.
Signifying support for the campaign, offices can print and display the 2022 18-Day Campaign to End VAW official banner and upload the logo, advocacy videos, and other materials on their website and social media accounts.
Videos or infomercials created by PCW and the agency about VAW, anti-VAW legislation, and services for survivors will be broadcast on electronic billboards, on television and radio shows, and other relevant platforms or venues run by their office.
The activities for the 18-Day Campaign will be presented in respective Flag Raising Ceremonies and recommend the participation of their staff and stakeholders. PCW recommends the use of Lupang Hinirang All-Women Cast Video in activities.
Development and production of Information, Education, and Communication (IEC) materials for the 2022 18-Day Campaign to End VAW, including collaterals designed by PCW and agency-specific materials, will be done to increase awareness of VAW. These materials will be distributed to staff members, clients, and the general public, provided that reproductions of PCW-developed materials maintain the integrity, content, and design of the originals.
Gender and Development (GAD) Advocates may participate in the online campaign thread about the observance by uploading photos, news features, and other information on social media accounts using the hashtags #VAWfreePH. The use of the 18-Day Campaign to End VAW Facebook Profile Frame for agency pages and individual profiles is also encouraged as well as the use of the Campaign to End VAW Sticker pack on messaging platforms that contain illustrations and meaningful messages about VAW. Moreover, netizens can participate in the #RaiseYourVoice Experience Sharing Campaign, #VowToEndVAW Online Commitment, and other online campaigns.
For holding regional and local activities, the Regional GAD Committees and Regional and Local Inter-Agency Committees on Trafficking in Persons and VAWC will coordinate with other government regional offices or LGUs for inter-agency and LGU collaboration. Orientation or forums regarding anti-VAW laws like the Anti-Violence Against Women and their Children Act, the Safe Spaces Act, and anti-Trafficking in Person laws, will be conducted to inform internal and external stakeholders on their core provisions. Government and private entities tasked to implement specific provisions of these laws are also encouraged to conduct internal discussions, capacity-building activities, and learning sessions on operationalizing their mandates and assessing the status of their implementation.
Meanwhile, Men Opposed against Violence Everywhere (MOVE) Chapters can gather support from fellow males and organize events that will draw attention to positive masculinity and the crucial part that male activists play in the anti-VAW movement.
The 18-Day Campaign to End VAW is set on November 25 to December 12, 2022. The focus and objectives, collaterals, suggested activities, and the branding guide can be checked on this link: (RVC/CCP/PIA9)