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First SSF food lab in CAR   opens in Kalinga

CITY OF TABUK, Kalinga  (PIA) - - The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) in collaboration with the Department of Science and Technology (DOST)  and the Kalinga State University(KSU)   as cooperator ,  opened  last week  the Cordillera region’s first Shared Service Facility (SSF) on Food and Analytical Laboratory at the KSU   Central Science Laboratory  here.
The facility worth P5.8 million will cater to students of KSU, researchers, and micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) for the continuing improvement of safe and competitive food products.

The laboratory project is designed to complement the food processing sector and to establish improved and safe food products available to better serve customers.
Proponent Dr. Bernadette Aggabao of KSU said DTI provided P4.8 million with DOST counterpart of  P1 million  for the purchase of laboratory equipment for the analysis of food products (physical and chemical analyses) of MSMEs and researchers across the province and neighboring provinces like Mountain Province, Ifugao, Isabela, and Cagayan.
KSU President Dr. Eduardo T. Bagtang  expressed gratitude to DTI and DOST for assisting KSU in preparing the technical works in order to comply with all the requirements needed to qualify as recipient of the food and analytical laboratory equipment. He also emphasized that one of the mandates of KSU is to conduct researches which once proven to be beneficial, can be extended to its clients.

The parties, with DTI CAR Regional Director Juliet P. Lucas and Bagtang for KSU, also signed memorandum of agreement and usufruct agreement relative to the establishment of said SSF.

Also present during the event were  DTI Kalinga Provincial Director Renie M. Ramos, DOST Kalinga OIC Dexy Catacutan, Regie Wacas representing  Congressman Allen Jesse C. Mangaoang,  Aira Edduba representing  Gov. James S. Edduba,  Henry B. Gupaal representing  Tabuk City Mayor Darwin C. Estrañero,  KSU faculty, staff and students, and local MSMEs. (JDP/PAB-PIA CAR, Kalinga)

About the Author

Peter Balocnit



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