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Kalusugan Food Trucks launched

DAVAO CITY - The Office of the Vice President (OVP) on Monday (Sept. 26) inaugurated three food trucks which will be deployed to help children suffering from hunger, malnutrition and poor development.

“We will be having a meeting a National Nutrition Council next week to identify which areas where the food trucks will be deployed,” says Lemuel Ortonio, the assistant chief-of-staff OVP said during the blessing at the Peoples Park in Davao City.

Dubbed as the Kalusugan Food Truck, each of the truck will be deployed in Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao. “For now, we will be identifying one area for Luzon, one area for Visayas and one area for Mindanao," Ortonio said

The food trucks will also be deployed in calamity-stricken areas.

The food truck will serve a specially designed menu for its recipients. Ortonio said the food truck will serve as a mobile kitchen where it will provide warm nutritious meals to malnourished children.

The Kalusugan Food Trucks is implemented in collaboration with the Department of Education and the National Nutrition Council. (PIA/RG Alama)

About the Author

Rudolph Ian Alama

Regional Editor

Region 11

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