SAN JOSE, Antique (PIA) -- The Antique Medical Society (AMS) calls for intensified public awareness of thyroid health and disorders as the country observes Goiter Awareness Week (GAW) 2023.
Pursuant to Proclamation No. 1188 by former President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo signed on December 2006, GAW is scheduled every 4th week of January and intends to raise awareness on the prevention and control of thyroid conditions such as Goiter and other Iodine Deficiency Disorders (IDD).
Goiter is a disorder where the thyroid gland grows larger or small lumps called thyroid nodules develop and may be associated with the irregular amount of thyroid hormones produced in the body.
This condition is typically attributed to the lack of dietary iodine and family medical history among others.
In a press conference on January 26, Dr. Lilluck Alacapa from the AMS said that the most common thyroid disorder in the Philippines is hyperthyroidism or the overproduction of thyroid hormones responsible for the body's metabolism, contrary to hypothyroidism or the below-normal production of such hormones.

Hyperthyroidism can have symptoms such as thinning hair, hot intolerance, menstrual irregularity, weight loss, hand tremors, bulging of the eyes, fast heart rate, and high blood pressure, while hypothyroidism symptoms include brittle hair loss, cold intolerance, weight gain, menstrual irregularity, depression, low blood pressure, and headache.
Dr. Alacapa urged the public to perform a thyroid neck check and look for enlargements or bumps right below Adam’s apple.
Although a laboratory test is more accurate in identifying thyroid problems, she added.
The physician also discouraged self-medication if lumps are found in the neck area and instead recommended immediate medical consultation.
With the theme “Leeg Kapain, Goiter Sugpuin: Isip ay Patalinuhin, Iodized Salt ay Gamitin,” this year’s GAW enjoins the public to be aware of the signs and symptoms of goiter and other IDDs and to consume iodine-rich foods that are needed by the body against thyroid problems. (AAL/BPS/PIA Antique)