SAN JOSE, Antique (PIA) - - The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) is currently conducting a quarterly Labor Force Survey (LFS) involving 388 households in 25 sample barangays in Antique.
Provincial Statistics Officer Randy M. Tacogdoy said that the respondents are systematically drawn as survey samples throughout the province.
In a press release, he said that for this April 2023 LFS round, rider questions on unpaid work in the past seven days will be asked to all household members who are five years old and over. These questions centered on unpaid activities such as unpaid care and domestic work, and the actual number of minutes spent on these activities.

The rider questions aim to provide statistical information on the equal redistribution of unpaid care and domestic work between women and men in the households.
Tacogdoy noted that it is also the first time when this often taken-for-granted subject was included in the survey while being considered vital for both people's well-being and the functioning of the market-oriented economy.
He emphasized that unpaid care and domestic work is increasingly recognized as critical issue for sustainable development.
“This is in fact identified as one of the targets in the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly under Sustainable Development Goal 5 – Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls,” he said.
The data-gathering activity is part of the nationwide quarterly project of the Philippine PSA to gather data on the demographic and socio-economic characteristics of the population, which aims at providing a framework for the preparation of plans and formulation of policies affecting the labor market.
Tacogdoy urged the survey respondents to cooperate and give correct, truthful and accurate answers and information to the interviewers with the assurance that all information will be treated with strict confidentiality and shall not be used for taxation, investigation, or law enforcement and as evidence in any proceeding as provided in Section 26 of Republic Act 10625. (JBG/PSA/PIA-Antique)