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NICA-8 holds media engagement activity in E. Samar; cites media’s role in ELCAC

BORONGAN CITY (PIA) -- The National Intelligence Coordinating Council Agency (NICA), the lead agency of RTF8 ELCAC - Situational Awareness and Knowledge Management (SAKM) Cluster, in coordination with the Philippine Information Agency - Eastern Samar, spearheaded a Media Engagement Activity and Awareness Orientation on Communist Terrorist Group (CTG) Infiltration and Exploitation in the Media Sector held recently in this city.

This was attended by some local media personalities and government information officers in the province.

NICA-8 Regional Director Eustacio Bacabac emphasized the importance of the media's role in the government’s effort not only in bringing the programs closer to the people but also in eliminating Communist Terrorist Groups (CTG) across the country.

“The media sector is considered as among the priority targets for infiltration, exploitation, and recruitment as you have the power to influence, if not control the minds of the people,” said Bacabac, stressing the importance of conducting awareness campaigns on the deceptive propaganda of the CTG, for it may influence the way that media practitioners tell stories to the public.

One of the highlights of the meeting was the testimonial sharing of a former CTG member, Ms. Alma Gabin, who now serves as a state witness and an active peace advocate but was once the Education Deputy Secretary of the CPP-NPA-NDF Eastern Visayas Regional Party Committee, and Editor-in-Chief of the publication, Lingganay Han Kamatuoran (Bells of Truth).

During her talk, Gabin gave a detailed narration of how they used to infiltrate the media sector.

Gabin also appealed to those who are still on the side of the CTGs to surrender themselves to the side of the government and make themselves one with the nation in promoting peace.

“If you fear for your security, I, myself can guarantee you that the government will not harm you, but will instead help you in starting anew,” Gabin said. (MMP/SDC/PIA E. Samar with Jeric Carpina/ESSU Intern)

About the Author

Samuel Candido


Region 8

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