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CSC-Aklan to accept CSE-PPT applications

KALIBO, Aklan (PIA) -- The Civil Service Commission (CSC) Aklan Field Office will receive applications for the August 20, 2023 Career Service Examination Pen and Paper Test (CSE-PPT) for Professional and Subprofessional levels on May 22 to June 21.

Per CSC-Aklan announcement, acceptance of applications for this month will be held at the Ground Floor of the New Municipal Building of Kalibo on May 22-24, while Field Office personnel will receive applications at the Function Hall of Ibajay Municipal Building and ASU- Ibajay Function Hall on May 25 and 26, respectively.

Further, on May 29, the venue of receiving applications will be at Barangay Caticlan Civic Center in Malay town.

In the morning of May 30, applications will be accepted at the conference hall of Lezo Municipal Building, while the venue in the afternoon is at Tangalan Sports and Cultural Center in Poblacion Tangalan.

For May 31 in the morning, the venue is set at Julio G. Refol Sr. Memorial Cultural and Sports in Altavas and in the afternoon at the Sangguniang Bayan Session Hall, 3rd Floor of Batan Municipal Building.

CSC-Aklan field personnel will also be at the Miguel F. Calizo Memorial Civic Center in Balete on June 1.

For June 5, applicants may submit at the temporary office of the Mayor in Libacao in the morning while in the afternoon, at the Conference Hall of Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Building in Madalag.

On June 2, 6,7,8, 9 and 16, the acceptance of applications will be held at

the CSC-Aklan Field Office in Roses St., Bacan, Banga.

Lastly, for June 13, 14, 15, 19, 20, 21, the venue will be at the Aklan Trade Hall at the Provincial Capitol in Kalibo, Aklan.

CSC-Aklan also reiterates its reminder to the applicants not to wait for the deadline to apply as the Commission implements a “first-come, first served” basis, which means that acceptance of applications will be closed anytime before the deadline once the office has already reached the target number of applicants.

The application form is available at the CSC-Aklan Field Office, or it can be downloaded from the CSC website or through:

For more details on the conduct of the August 20, 2023 CSE-PPT, applicants are advised to thoroughly read the CSC Exam Announcement No. 02 s2023 that can be accessed at

Further, CSC Aklan also announced that during the mobile filing of exam applications, field personnel will also receive requests for Certification and/or Authentication of Eligibility, as well as applications for special eligibility. (AGP/SQP/PIA Aklan)

About the Author

Sheila Patoza


Region 6

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