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PBBM set to arrive today in Albay

LEGAZPI CITY, June 14 (PIA) – President Ferdinand "Bong Bong" Marcos will make a personal visit today at the province of Albay, aiming to assess the well-being of the evacuees and extend direct assistance to the affected families impacted by the ongoing unrest of the Mayon Volcano.

Based on the advisory from the Presidential Communications Office (PCO), PBBM will visit the Guinobatan Community College Evacuation Center in Guinobatan.  The municipality has recorded 812 families (2,776 individuals) evacuees.

As of June 13, the Albay Public Safety Emergency and Management Office (APSEMO) reported that a cumulative total of 4,286 families, comprising 15,241 individuals who have been displaced due to the ongoing unrest of the Mayon Volcano.

The implementation of a mandatory evacuation of residents in the nine municipalities of Albay was initiated following the raising of Alert Level 3. This precautionary measure was enforced to ensure that residents residing within the 6km danger zone are safe from the increasing volcanic threat.

FORCED EVACUATION || Residents of Guinobatan, Albay are assisted by 9th Spear Division troopers to evacuate as Mayon Volcano's unrest continues. The municipality has recorded 812 families (2,776 individuals) evacuees. (PIA 5)
PBBM VISITS ALBAY EVACUEES || President Ferdinand "Bong Bong" Marcos is scheduled to personally visit the province of Albay today, June 14, to assess the condition and welfare of the evacuees who are affected by the continuous unrest of the Mayon Volcano. (PIA 5)

The increasing number of affected communities highlights the widespread impact of the volcanic activity on the local population of Albay. The APSEMO continues to closely monitor the situation and assure the public that they are continuously coordinating with the authorities to ensure the safety and well-being of the affected residents.

The municipality of Malilipot has recorded a total of 902 families, equivalent to 3,260 individuals, who have been evacuated due to the said unrest. Similarly, in Daraga, 768 families (2,827 individuals) have been displaced from their homes while 57 families (218 individuals) from Ligao were also temporarily housed in evacuation centers.

Sto. Domingo has reported 379 evacuee families, encompassing 1,342 individuals. Camalig has 929 families (3,203 individuals) seeking shelter away from the volcano's activities.

Following the visit to the evacuation site, President Marcos will proceed to the Albay Astrodome, where a joint Regional and Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Councils situation briefing will take place.

Attending agencies are expected to report what services and assistance were already given to the displaced families and brief the president of the ongoing delivery of services and the current situation of the affected communities.

Expected to accompany the president are Special Asst to the President Secretary Anton Lagdameo, National Defense Secretary Teodoro “Gibo” Teodoro. Cabinet officials from Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), Presidential Communications Office (PCO) and Department of Science and Technology (DOST) are also expected to join the president in his visit in Albay today, June 14, Wednesday.

This visit demonstrates the President's commitment to immediately address the situation firsthand and render the necessary support to the affected communities during this challenging time. (With reports from CMontales,LSMacatangay-PIA 5)

BEAUTY AND DANGER || Mayon Volcano’s breathtaking scenic beauty and the potential danger it carries to communities along the lava’s path. (PIA 5)

About the Author

Ana-liza Macatangay

Assistant Regional Head

Region 5

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