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OCD 6 pushes for CSOs' DRRM membership

ILOILO CITY (PIA) -- The Office of Civil Defense (OCD) in Western Visayas is encouraging civil society organizations (CSOs) to be part of the local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Councils (DRRMCs).

The call was an offshoot of the recent first episode of the 2023 Dagyaw Open Government Town Hall Meetings with the theme “Pag-andam kag Pagpahagan-hagan: Building Resilience through Information and Action” held at the JR Hall of Diversion 21 Hotel, here.

Office of Civil Defense (OCD) 6 24/7 Operations Unit chief Cindy Ferrer, as one of the panel discussants during the first episode of 2023 Dagyaw Open Government Town Hall Meetings, discussed how civil society organizations (CSOs) can apply as members of the Regional Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (RDRRMC). (FRG/PIA6)

During the open forum part of the said activity, Office of Civil Defense (OCD) 6 24/7 Operations Unit chief Cindy Ferrer cited Republic Act No. 10121 or the Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction Act of 2010 that provides that there should be CSO membership in local DRRMCs.

“We have been calling for the application of CSOs, so you will be involved in planning and other important activities and initiatives discussed in the council. Hopefully, this could be a venue to encourage the CSOs to be a member of the Regional Disaster Risk Reduction Council,” said Ferrer.

As stipulated by RA 10121, from the National down to the local DRRMCs there shall be four members from the accredited CSOs and one member as a private sector representative.

The membership of the CSOs in such, according to her, highlights the important role of civil society organizations in various programs and activities in line with disaster risk reduction and management.

“We recognize the crucial role of civil society organizations and private organizations in administering civil defense and disaster risk reduction of our country. The Office of Civil Defense 6 has a lot of programs being implemented to enhance the capacities of LGUs. We also open this to civil society organizations,” she added.

Ferrer also shared that they are offering various DRRM trainings like ladderized courses on incident command systems targeting different sectors.

She mentioned that the OCD 6 is “open to cater requests from civil society organizations if they want to further enhance your capacities in responding to disaster and calamities.”

Meanwhile, she also encouraged the CSOs to participate in the Gawad Kalasag, the search for excellence in disaster risk reduction which serves as a venue to showcase their own programs and initiatives in DRRM.

Meanwhile, fellow Dagyaw 2023 panel discussant and University of the Philippines Visayas (UPV) associate professor Jorge S. Ebay further highlighted Dagyaw as “a good example of how we can come together, civil society organizations and government agencies, para nga istoryahan ano ang nagakaigo nga tikang pwede naton maobra para ma-reduce ang risgo sang disasters kag mapahagan-hagan ang epekto sang climate change (for us to discuss the necessary steps that we can do to reduce the risk of disasters and the effects of climate change).” (AAL/FRG/PIA6)

About the Author

Franz Remar Garion

Region 6

Indicium gladio fortior est

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