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Parks among the cooler outdoor spaces in downtown Davao City

DAVAO CITY (PIA) -- According to the study titled "Urban Heat Island Effect Assessment of Public Spaces in Davao based on Citizen Science," the cooler outdoor places in downtown Davao City are tree-shaded parks and green spaces.

The study reveals that the "coolest" outdoor area is in Marfori Park (Davao City Botanical Garden) which registered daytime reading of 38.1 degrees Celsius with its closed canopy space (tree shaded) having 35.1 degrees Celsius temperature.

This is compared to average temperatures of areas with non-permeable paved space (Hardly Built) which registered temperatures beyond 40 degrees Celsius. Green shaded or canopied space particularly found in parks have temperatures below normal human body temperature of 37 degrees Celsius.

The UHI study conducted by IDIS (Interfacing Development Interventions for Sustainability) aims to study the effect of UHI in the city’s public spaces.

Urban Heat Islands are urbanized areas that experience higher temperatures than outlying areas. This is because buildings, roads and other infrastructure absorb and re-emit the sun’s heat more than natural landscapes.

Based on the UHI study the hottest temperatures was recorded during the month of April and at 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Places with highest recorded temperature are those fully paved with conventional concrete such as roads and parking lots.

The heat island can aggravate the risk of heat waves during the summer. The health risks include heat stroke, heat cramps and difficulty in breathing among the elderly.

In April 29 of this year, Davao City posted a heat index of 43 degrees Celsius and on April 30, it posted 41 degrees Celsius- the highest in Mindanao.

Clifford Park was one of the places included in the UHI study. The tree-shaded parts of the park registered cooler temperatures as compared to paved open spaces which registered a high temperature of 48 degrees celsius.

Environmental Planner Lemuel Manalo, program coordinator of IDIS said that to mitigate the impact of UHI they are pushing for national and local policies in the city.

“For local regulations, first we need to pass a ordinance we entitled it as a local green building ordinance of Davao City this is still a proposal as it was proposed by Councilor Mahipius Sr. in 2018,” Manalo said.

He said the proposed ordinance did not passed into a law and they wanted it to be revived as it would entail structures in Davao City including smaller scale commercial establishments to adopt green building standards. (RGA/PIA XI)

About the Author

Rudolph Ian Alama

Regional Editor

Region 11

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