CITY OF TABUK, Kalinga (PIA) -- The provincial government welcomes the plan of the National Museum of the Philippines (NMP) to establish a branch and a research center in Kalinga province.
Paolo Mar Chan, OIC-Director of NMP- Northern Luzon, led a team composed of French National Research Affiliate Thomas Ingicco of National Museum of Natural History, Paris France, Andrea Cosalan, an archeologist from UP Diliman, and Researcher Maricar Belarmino from of National Museum main office presented the proposal to Governor James S. Edduba during their visit to the province in July.

The Governor and Tourism Officer Lorraine A. Ngao-I see this proposal as a significant step towards preserving and promoting the rich cultural heritage of Kalinga and in protecting the Rizal Archeological Site. Not only will it preserve artifacts but also revive ancient rituals, dances, and ethnic arts.
“The establishment of a National Museum branch in Kalinga would foster a deeper appreciation for the area's cultural tapestry while empowering local communities to share their stories and traditions,” the provincial government release stated.
The proposal to develop a museum in Kalinga is inspired by the archeological findings in Barangay San Pedro in Rizal town that are very significant in the further study of prehistoric prehistoric humans.
The NMP had declared the archaeological site in Kalinga as a National Cultural Treasure for its “outstanding historical, cultural, artistic and/or scientific value which is significant and important to the country and to the nation” in May 2023.
It can be recalled that in 2018, the archeologists released the result of their excavations in Rizal of a rhinoceros fossil(Rhinoceros Philippinensis) bearing cut marks and percussion marks, and some 50 stone tools and other animal fossils.
These archaeological findings were confirmed 709,000 years old, based on several physico-chemical methods, which “means the presence of early humans on Luzon Island is ten times older than initially believed.”
The NMP’s proposal is also in support to Republic Act No. 11770, An Act Establishing the Kalinga Cultural Center and Museum, authored by Kalinga Congressman Jesse Allen Mangoang to promote culture and the arts.
It would serve as a medium “for the protection, preservation, presentation and promotion of the cultural, artistic, archaeological, social, historical, religious and philosophical heritage of Kalinga and its people.” Edduba said that the PLGU has already a site for the proposed project.