In his opening message, Mayor Bulut stressed the significance of the event in fostering solidarity among the I-Apayaos and the Cordillerans as a whole. He expressed gratitude for the collective efforts toward regional autonomy and encouraged everyone to work together in overcoming the challenges.
Governor Elias Bulut Jr. who is also the Regional Development Council, thru his representative Board Member Cunanan, stressed that unity must be at the core in achieving shared vision of autonomy. He emphasized the importance of working together to build a self-sustaining, progressive, and responsive Cordillera that caters to the needs of its people.
The Governor reminded everyone that the gong symbolizes not only the shared heritage of every Cordilleran but also a beacon of hope for a brighter future.
Apayao Youth Ambassadors Jazreal Jamila Enciso and Eddiemar Pacis also conducted an Information, Education, and Communication campaign on Cordillera Autonomy. Their presentation highlighted the numerous benefits and advantages of becoming an autonomous region and provided specific insights into the positive impacts it could have on the lives of Cordillerans including the people of Apayao.