In leading the launching, DOH Undersecretary Dr. Enrique Tayag emphasized the importance of mental health which plays a key role in the emotional, psychological and social well-being. He talked about the nine signs of mental health concerns namely feeling anxious or worried, feeling depressed or unhappy, emotional outbursts, sleep problems, weight or appetite changes, quiet or withdrawn, substance abuse, feeling guilty or worthless, and changes in behavior or feelings.
Tayag advised that if someone experiences at least four of the symptoms, he or she must consult a mental health professional.
Dr. Alfonso Regala of the Health Promotions Bureau (HPB) shared that the DOH envisions a Healthy Pilipinas where healthy behaviors are the easier choice for everyone, every time, and everywhere.
He cited one intervention for health literacy is the use of Lusog-Isip app , the first mobile app for mental health and self-care culturally-adapted for the Philippines. It uses evidence-based screening tools and interventions to help individuals journey towards better overall well-being and healthier coping strategies.
The Lusog-Isip app is available on Android, it is free and available online. It also contains self-care kits that can download on the Healthy Pilipinas page. The audio version has Bisaya, Filipino and English translations.