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La Trinidad renews commitment, support to Cordillera autonomy

LA TRINIDAD, BenguetT(PIA) -- This local government unit renewed its commitment and strong support to the pursuit of Cordillera regional autonomy.
La Trinidad officials led by Mayor Romeo Salda and Vice Mayor Roderick Awingan welcomed the Benguet Unity Gong from the provincial delegates following the kick off ceremonies on Friday, July 7, 2023.
During the program, Vice Mayor Awingan stressed in his welcome message that La Trinidad is one with the province of Benguet and the Cordillera region in the pursuit of regional autonomy.
He said that despite the diverse culture and people in the capital town of Benguet, the municipality is supportive of the quest to have autonomous region in the Cordillera.
Awingan stressed that the objectives of the unity gong relay should be instilled in hearts and minds of the people of La Trinidad and the Cordillera region so that so that once achieved, the regional autonomy will be enjoyed by everyone, by this generation and the next generations to come.
“We,  as a people and as a municipality, we may be diverse, but again we are one in our quest to have autonomy in the Cordillera. Let us assure that the municipality is supportive with the quest of regional autonomy,” Awingan said.

Mayor Romeo Salda
Vice Mayor Roderick Awingan

In his message, Mayor Salda accepts the Benguet Unity Gong which manifest the municipality’s our commitment and passion not only in the recognition of being indigenous people or being Cordillerans but also in the journey towards self-determination, regional development and socio-economic recovery.
Salda called on the rest of the Cordillerans to march forward with high hopes that the long dream of Cordillera autonomy will come to fortune.
The Mayor added that the concerted efforts of all local government units and all communities in the cordillera will forge the way to sustainably manage and utilize our resources using indigenous knowledges system and practices.
“Together we march forward with high hopes that the autonomy that we so long dream of will come to fortune. We have our rich culture and tradition in the Cordillera to fuel our confidence of attaining our goal and people are no strangers to our resilience and dynamism,” Salda said.

The event was  part of the 36th Cordillera Month celebration with the theme "Celebrating One, Resilient, Diverse and Inclusive (CORDI) Journey Towards Regional Autonomy." (RMC- PIA-CAR)

About the Author

Redjie Melvic Cawis



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