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Victorias City makes ‘biggest investment’ in the education sector

NEGROS OCCIDENTAL (PIA) -- The local government of Victorias City made the biggest investment worth P100 - million in the education sector where it turned over laptops, tablets, tables, chairs, fans, dispensers, clinic beds, medicine cabinets, and portable speakers.

Each public school teacher in Victorias City received a laptop from the 924 total laptop units obtained by the LGU for the public schools.

Along with the laptops for teachers, a total of 713 SMART TVs for public school classrooms, 3,555 tablets for students, 589 teacher’s tables and chairs, 4,230 Monoblock chairs, 56 wall fans, 56 water dispensers, 28 clinic beds, 28 medicine cabinets, and 28 portable speakers were also turned over to the City Schools Division Office (SDO) during the culmination of the National Teachers’ Day celebration through the first-ever Education Summit, held at the City Sports and Amusement Center.

Victorias City Mayor Javier Miguel Benitez led this trailblazing education initiative in the Western Visayas region last October 5.

“This is the biggest investment that the city has ever made for its education sector… This investment is the testament to our belief in the power of education and our commitment to creating an environment where every child can thrive, every teacher can inspire, and every dream can be realized,” Benitez said.

Benitez, in his message during the summit, said this initiative is not just about the numbers or the quantity of the amenities the LGU had provided but rather the impact of these resources on every student, teacher, and school community member.

These amenities were distributed to 27 schools in Victorias City and shall be utilized in accordance with the memorandum of agreement of Sidlak Learning Technologies which was signed simultaneously during the turnover ceremony.

Meanwhile, Senate Committee Chair on Basic Education Senator Sherwin “Win” Gatchalian, who was guest of honor during the summit, commended the initiatives and intervention programs of the Victorias LGU.

Gatchalian gave the assurance that he will be the voice and partner of the LGU in its future education projects and programs.

Negros Occidental 3rd District Representative Jose Francisco “Kiko” Benitez challenged the Department of Education- Victorias through its Schools 

Division Superintendent Dr. Portia Mallorca to start learning recovery.

“The challenge now […] is to once again, still show what can be done as a pioneer in recovery so that learning poverty is properly addressed and the rest of Negros Occidental will follow soon,” the older Benitez said.

According to WorldBank report, learning poverty means being unable to read and understand a simple text by age 10 as all children should be able to read by age 10.

The older Benitez also urged the teachers to use the provided technologies appropriately to ensure that learning poverty in the city will be resolved. (AAL/EAD-PIA6 Negros Occidental)

About the Author

Easter Anne Doza


Region 6


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