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Pag-IBIG Fund Baguio  holds 2023 Employers’ and Fund Coordinators’ Forum

BAGUIO CITY (PIA)- -The Pag-IBIG Fund Baguio branch held its first Employers’ and Fund Coordinators’  Forum (FC) after three-year hiatus due to the   COVID-19 pandemic  to provide  updates  on  its  new and existing programs and projects.

The activity held at the Benguet Electric Cooperative’s  Dumo Hall  at South Drive, Baguio City on  October 12 was attended by over 100 employers and FCs from Baguio City, Benguet and Mountain Province.

Pag-IBIG Baguio Branch Head  Vivian P. Rimando, Mervin M. Pereda, Ilocos Region Area Head; Philip Raymund S. Salem, Baguio Branch Marketing and Sales Chief; Virginia FS. Cabamungan, Head TAS Ilocos Region, and Huge Olarte Laroya from La Union Housing Business Center    gave  updates on various program  such as the Pag-IBIG Loyalty Card Plus, Pag-IBIG Multi-Purpose Loan (MPL) promo, and the Pag-IBIG Housing Loan Program.

They also  presented concerns such as low membership and limited utilization of Pag-IBIG Fund’s loan programs.

To overcome such challenges, strategies to boost membership level, membership savings, and short term loans were  tackled  during the workshop.

Meanwhile,  to encourage employers and FCs to entice its members to avail of the MPL program, the Pag-IBIG Fund Baguio Branch launched its  MPL raffle promo.

For every  five MPL applications, the FC or employer representative will be entitled to  one  raffle entry. Prizes at stake for three  winners each for  1st, 2nd and 3rd  are  P10,000; P7,000 and P5,000, respectively. PHP1,000.00 consolation prize is up for  20 winners.

 The promo runs from October 1 to December 13, draw date will be on December 14, 2023.(JDP/MAWC-PIA CAR)

The participants to the 2023 Pag-IBIG Fund Employers' and Fund Coordinators' Forum on October 12, 2023 at BENECO's Dumo Hall on October 12, 2023.

About the Author

Maria Aprila Cruz



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