LAGAWE, Ifugao --In line with the thrust to enhance the competitive advantage of metals and engineering industries in the Cordilleras, the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) through the DOST- Metals Industry Research and Development Center (MIRDC), DOST-CAR and Ifugao State University (IFSU) are in the process of establishing the region’s first Metals and Engineering Innovation Center (MEIC).
IFSU, which has strong curriculum in engineering, will host the MEIC at its Lagawe campus, and the groundbreaking and ribbon-cutting ceremony for the center was held last June 16.

DOST-CAR Regional Director Nancy Bantog said that the MEIC is a mechanism to bring science, technology, and innovation to the countryside.
“This will serve as a platform for technology generation and transfer and technical competency development, enabling us to be more responsive to the needs of the industries in the province and the region,” Bantog said.
The MEIC provides solutions to the machinery and product prototyping of priority agricultural implements and processing equipment.
“With the MEIC, we can shorten the turn-around time of the production of customized prototypes and ensure fabrication or after-sales services,”Bantog explained.
It will likewise aid in the conduct of research and development to develop and strengthen the capability of the human resources of the academe while providing the machine prototyping needs of the industry.
Under the joint project, DOST shall provide P5.7million worth of fabrication equipment and auto machines (including metal sheet and electric shear, welding machine, electric hoist, plasma cutter and sheet metal roller).
As its counterpart, IFSU allotted P1.5 million for the improvement of the center.
It can be recalled that in 2018, DOST-CAR implemented a project with IFSU to jumpstart the university’s capability in metals fabrication through the provision of about P1.3M worth of basic machineries and equipment. Moreover, DOST-CAR recommended IFSU as the Innovation Center for CAR, which led to further coordination with MIRDC to ultimately establish the MEIC-CAR in the province.
In December 2020, officials of DOST-CAR, DOST-MIRDC and IFSU held the virtual soft launching and memorandum of agreement signing of the project.
DOST-CAR will continue to work together with MSMEs, academe, line agencies and other metal industry players to enhance product development, fabrication, and manufacturing as productive economic activities in the countryside to the benefit of the people of the Cordilleras.(DOST-CAR)