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PSA X gears up for 2022 CBMS rollout, trains more than 600 field personnel

CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY - The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) region X as lead implementer of Republic Act No. 11315 or the Community-Based Monitoring System (CBMS) Act, is now on its fourth and final stage of training at the city/municipal level in preparation for the conduct of the CBMS in Region X. 

The city/municipal training equips more than 600 hired personnel in Region X on the CBMS concepts and on carrying out data collection activities such as geotagging, listing of buildings, and interviewing households through the use of an electronic questionnaire in a tablet.

The CBMS is an organized technology-based system of collecting, processing, and validating necessary disaggregated data at the local level. 

The data may be used as a basis in targeting households in the planning, budgeting, and implementation of government programs geared towards poverty mitigation and economic development. 

The local-level key development indicators that will be gathered and compiled through the CBMS are particularly on: (a) health, (b) nutrition, (c) housing, (d) water and sanitation, (e) basic education, (f) income, (g) employment, and (h) peace and order. These indicators will be used in the generation of Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI).

The CBMS enumeration will commence on 08 August 2022 with 35 participating local government units (LGUs) – 26 of these are PSA-funded while nine are LGU-funded.

PSA X enjoins everyone in the region to support the activity by participating and providing truthful and complete information. All data collected will be kept strictly confidential in compliance with Section 26 of Republic Act 10625 and Republic Act 10173 (Data Privacy Act of 2012). The Office also assures the public on the observance of minimum health protocols during the entire CBMS operations. (PSA10/PIA10)

About the Author

Jasper Marie Rucat

Regional Editor

Region 10

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