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Bangsamoro stakeholders strategize for local Halal industry dev't

MARAWI CITY - Key stakeholders in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) and representatives from the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) convened in Davao City on Jan. 9-12 for a four-day workshop for the development of a 5-year Bangsamoro Halal Industry Plan 2024-2029.

The event was led by the Ministry of Trade, Investments, and Tourism (MTIT) in partnership with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (UNFAO), United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), and Bangsamoro Planning and Development Authority (BPDA).

MTIT Minister Abu Amri Taddik emphasized the significant opportunity the Halal industry presents for BARMM's economic prosperity and social progress. 

“We stand at the threshold of a new era, one where the principle of halal is not just a guiding principle, but a driving force for economic prosperity and social progress,” Taddik said.

He urged active participation from stakeholders, emphasizing the need for inclusive, sustainable, and forward-looking planning.

“I urge each of you to participate actively, engage in open and constructive dialogue, share your vision for the future of BARMM’s halal industry, and let us harness the collective wisdom of our diverse stakeholders to build a plan that is inclusive, sustainable, and forward-looking,” Taddik added.

For BPDA Director Melanie Indar, the formulation of the Halal Industry Development Plan will help bolster the region’s comparative and competitive advantages by using the local rich resources and tapping external markets.

“We aim to maximize the Halal market’s potential and establish the Bangsamoro region as a center of Halal goods and services,” Indar said.

Addressing the pressing necessity for the formulation of the Halal Plan in the region, MTIT Deputy Minister Atty. Sukarno Abas highlighted the BARMM’s potential to be the premier Halal hub or center in the Philippines.

“We are eyeing to capture 30% of the USD1.38 Trillion Halal Market in the ASEAN,” Abas stressed.

On the part of UNFAO, Mindanao Sub-Office Head Dante Eleuterio reassured continued support for the development of the Bangsamoro Halal industry until its realization.

During the workshop, seven working sectors of the Halal industry were identified, including Islamic Finance, Halal Food, Muslim-Friendly Tourism and Travels, Halal Fashion, Halal Cosmetics, Halal Pharmaceuticals and Nutraceuticals, and Halal Media and Entertainment. These sectors are tasked with formulating the vision, objectives, and performance indicators for the development of Halal industries, including the identification of policies, programs, projects, and services. (BIO/PIA-10 Lanao del Sur)

About the Author

Apipa Bagumbaran

Assistant Regional Head

Region 10

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