KORONADAL CITY, South Cotabato (PIA) -- Civil society organizations (CSOs) are major contributors to SOCCSKSARGEN Region’s development processes, an official of the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) XII underscored during a recent town hall meeting here.
Speaking for the government sector , OIC Assistant Regional Director Romel Patrick Tanghal of NEDA XII said civil society organizations are crucial in the region’s development process as well as in policy making, and delivery of social services.
“The participation of CSOs in governance was laid down under the 1987 Constitution, which guaranteed the promotion and protection of people’s participation in all levels --national, subnational, and regional – and all levels of social, political and economic decision-making,” ARD Tanghal explained.
The Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) XII, together with other national and regional agencies, local government units, and development partners staged the first episode of Dagyaw Open Government Town Hall Meetings for 2023 in Koronadal City on Friday.
Aimed at improving trust and confidence of the public toward the government, the first Dagyaw event this year highlighted the importance of CSOs participating in local governance.
Among the participants were officials of local people’s councils across the region.
As provided by the Local Government Code of 1991 (Republic Act 7160), local government units are mandated to involve CSOs in local government planning and policymaking and in the delivery of social services, he added.
In this regard, Tanghal noted, that in SOCCSKSARGEN Region the involvement of the CSOs, as embodied by the private sector representatives (PSRs) to the Regional Development Council (RDC) XII, is evident in the development processes of the region from planning, programming, budgeting, to monitoring and evaluation.
Four sectoral committees of the RDC XII, namely the Macro-Economy Development Administration and Finance Committee (MEDAFC), the Economic Development Committee (EDC), the Regional Social Development Committee (RSDC), and the Infrastructure Development Committee (InfraCom) are chaired by PSRs.
PSRs also sit as members of sectoral and affiliate committees of the RDC XII.
“Engaging CSOs in local governance improves access, responsiveness, inclusiveness, and accountability in the delivery of public services such as health, water, education, and agriculture.
“CSO engagement also improves transparency, accountability and sustainability of in natural resources management,” he said.
ARD Tanghal noted further that in its pursuit of good governance and improved bureaucratic efficiency, SOCCSKSARGEN Region has institutionalized the conduct of barangay assemblies and compliance of CSO membership to local development councils.
It has established the CSO Academy, which is unique to Region 12.
CSO Academy, which was established through the collaboration of private sector partners, Mahintana Foundation, Inc. and Association of Foundations Phils., Inc. with the DILG XII and the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) XII on the government side, offers a 25-day training course that will enhance the competencies of CSOs, people’s organizations, and nongovernment organizations in organizational development, performance, sustainability, and pursuit of excellence in local governance operations.
CSO Academy aims to produce local CSO leaders who will lead in the promotion of improving their respective internal governance and will serve as active partners of LGUs in pursuing genuine local autonomy and local governance.
The second Dagyaw 2023 episode is slated in September and will focus on health and wellness, innovations in health care, reproductive health and maternal health, and pediatric health. (PIA SOCCSKSARGEN)