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BOC implements AEO Online Portal System

MANILA -- In line with the Bureau of Customs’ (BOC) thrust to facilitate trade and bring Philippine trade at par with other ASEAN nations, the Bureau of Customs implements the Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) Online Portal System through Customs Memorandum Order (CMO) 26-2021.

CMO 26-2021 is pursuant to the AEO Program launched by the Bureau of Customs on December 02, 2019, which provides for a Trade Clearance System that enables highly compliant stakeholders to clear their goods with minimum or zero customs border intervention, and a Cargo Security System that ensures the integrity and security of imported goods, among others, in the aim to achieve a customs-to-business collaboration with legitimate and trusted Philippine trading partners. The AEO aims towards the enhancement of international supply chain security and facilitation in the movement of goods.

The Order provided the detailed guidelines on the application, processing, and approval of application for accreditation as AEO Importer and Exporter under the AEO Program through its new Online Portal System.

The AEO Online Portal System shall cater for the electronic filing and review of applications submitted for accreditation to the AEO Program.

The Management Information System and Technology Group (MISTG) and the created AEO Office shall ensure the security and confidentiality of information provided and exchanged through the AEO Portal.

As the Bureau of Customs moves towards achieving more modernized and globally enhanced operations, the agency calls on its stakeholders to join and take advantage of its programs designed to further enhance and streamline trade facilitation. (BOC)

About the Author

Kate Shiene Austria

Information Officer III

Information Officer III under the Creative and Production Services Division of the Philippine Information Agency. 

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